1. You are officially a "daddy's girl". When he gets home from work, you like to run to him and say "Hi Baby!".

2. You have created a new craze. It's called "The Chicken Wing" dance. I think it will be catching on in dance clubs world wide very soon.
3. You drink apple juice like it's going out of style.
4. You've gotten really good at throwing fits. Bummer.
5. In Mom's opinion, you have a BEAUTIFUL singing voice. You are quite a little performer.

6. Not a day goes by that you don't get a bruise, bump or bite.
7. Spinning in place and then attempting to walk is a favorite past time.
8. Going to the park makes you SUPER HAPPY!

9. Every morning you lead mom around the living room so she will open the blnds to let the "sunshine in".
10. Your kisses are getting better and better.
11. You can do the "head and knee" part of "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes".
12. You are, for the most part, very gentle with Monko. He won't admit this but, he really likes you.
13. You LOVE shoes. It's pretty cute when you grab your shoes, bring them to mom and say "Go". And boy do you go!!!

14. You hate getting your diaper changed. You just do not want to sit still.
15. While shaking your booty, you like to say "wiggle, wiggle, wiggle".
16. You're a very good helper. Especially when it comes to checking the mail.
17. You're just the coolest kid and we love ya like crazy!!!!