Thursday, January 29, 2009


Last Thursday Kendra made the trek half way across the country to pay us a visit. We were so excited. We picked her up on Thursday and immedeatly headed to a mexican restaurant for some good Texas Queso. We sat outside because the weather was gorgeous! (we actually got a little hot - crazy because yesterday most places were closed because of an ice storm - loco Dallas weather) Even though Chloe has not seen Kendra in about 7 months she immeadately was smitten. For 2 whole days Chloe, non stop, walked around saying "Hi, KiKi" (this is a nickname we borrowed from Kendra's nephew, Jayce. Just a lot easier to say than Kendra). Miker was in Miami so we just had a full day of girlie shopping, eating and playing.

Friday, we went and had lunch with our pal Blake. It was so great catching up. After that we did more shopping. (good thing she doesn't live here or I'd go broke!) That afternoon Miker got home. We ended up going out for sushi that night. Chloe did great! She had chicken stir fry. She ate with chopstix and for the first time, sat in a booster seat instead of a high chair!!

We took Kendra to her sister's on Saturday morning. We hung out for a bit. Crystal is always so great and she has the two cutest boys. The three kids played for a while and then we left. I was so bummed that our time with her was over. For the next couple of days Chloe went around knocking on doors around the house saying "hewwo? KiKi?". We can't wait for the next time we see her. We just might have to make a trip out to sunny California later this year.

This last pic is Chloe rockin' in Kendra's high tops. May just be my favorite picture ever!

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yesterday Chloe turned the big 21 (months).

She's such a cool little thing. Here are some some pics of her doing what she does best - being cute!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009


And I'm FINALLY getting around to posting some pics. We had such a great time decorating and spending time together.

Chloe was so funny opening presents. She got all sorts of fun stuff. Lots of babies and a brand new stroller to push them in.

She also got a couple of puzzles, A Dora and Boots bath toy and a table she can sit and eat or color or have a tea party at. We were so excited for Christmas morning that Miker and I both got up super early. We sat and waited for Chloe to wake up. We waited...and waited...and waited. She decided to sleep until after 9!! Here are some pics of Christmas day. Hope everyone is having a great 2009!!!