SO, last week I wasn't feeling so hot, so I called up my doc (insert eye roll) and made an appointment. I quickly decided to call back and cancel. I chose, instead, to drop Chloe off at day care and treat myself to a nice relaxing mani/pedi. I figured it should be a slow time for any salon considering it was a rainy Monday morning. I found a really nice place. I was the only one there. Well, I was just until the point of rolling up my pants. In walks 2 ladies and 3 KIDS!!!!! NO!!!!!!! I wanted a peaceful, kid free, calm hour. The girls were bouncing off the walls picking out their colors and giggling up a storm. The place was really tiny so once they sat down all the chairs were full. I decided to just close my eyes and meditate. This was quickly interrupted due to the non stop talking by a certain 6 year old named, Zoe. She asked so many questions and in a typical 6 year old fashion asked question after question after question. In the middle of it all Zoe became very adamant (in a very sweet way) about the color she wanted on her toes. She said she wanted the darkest, lightest green. She must have repeated the words "darkest, lightest, green" a hundred times. The lady doing her nails, who obviously didn't speak much English, even said "she never quiet". After the 3 girls were all finished with their bright colors and flower decals the conversation went something like this:Zoe : Mommy this is the BEST " caterpillar" I've ever had!
Mom : You mean pedicure?
Zoe : Yeah, pedicure. This is the BEST pedicure I've ever had.
Mom : Well, Zoe, this is the first pedicure you've ever had.
Zoe : Thank you Nana for bringing us here and paying all that money.
While listening to these girls, and especially Zoe, I just thought to myself - I am so lucky to have a little girl.
So, what I thought was gonna turn into a loud mess, ended up making me walk out of the place thinking to myself "that was the best caterpillar I've ever had".
Love you, Chloe.