Sunday, May 30, 2010


Chloe helped prepare the corn on the cob that we put on the grill last night. MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!

Monday, May 24, 2010


We took Chloe to the movie theater for the first time this past weekend. I got a little teary when we pulled into the parking lot and and Chloe could not contain herself. We walked up to the ticket counter and I said "3 for Nightmare on Elm Street". I am SO funny!!! I corrected myself as the ticket girl looked at me horrified. We got our tickets to the newest Shrek movie. It's in 3D so we all got cool glasses to wear while we watched the flick. We got all the fun stuff - popcorn, drinks and of course, candy. We waited in the theater with all the other little kids waiting for the movie to start. I loved over hearing all the little chatter of excitement. When the movie began Chloe was glued to her seat. The 3D was so awesome. She kept reaching her hands out to try and touch the characters. She got a little spooked a few times because the movie had some "scary" moments. Over all she did amazing. It made my heart feel so good when, in the middle of the movie, she turned to me and loudly exclaimed " Mommy, the is the greatest adventure ever in the whole wide world!!" I agreed...having this little love in my life IS the greatest adventure in the whole wide world.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing ~ Mother Teresa

Happy Sunday!

Friday, May 21, 2010



I've always thought that the stereotypes of " boys like blue" and "girls like pink" were because that's what they were taught. Well, NOPE!!! (at least not in Chloe's case) I've tried to force Chloe into rocker concert shirts and the occasional pair of camo shorts but...This chick can not get enough pink. I can honestly say she will not wear anything other than pink ( I can get her in an occasional purple shirt but VERY rarely). Now, I know this sounds cute and feminine but it can get VERY frustrating. She has a closet full of cute clothes but refuses to wear anything if it's not her favorite color. I finally had to bite the bullet and make the decision to do some summer shopping for her and all I bought was...PINK. Luckily, I have found an awesome kids consignment shop up the road. I got Chloe tons of stuff and didn't pay more than $5 for a single item.

Sometimes the "pink thing" can be really cute. Miker and Chloe hit the grocery store last Saturday and when they returned they announced that we were making cupcakes. As they pulled the frosting and mix and whatnot out of the bag I was not surprised to find...Pink cake, pink frosting and pink hearts. I must say, this really worked in my favor. I am not a chocolate lover but I can dig on some strawberry cake!!! They turned out so cute and we all had a blast making them.

Cheers to my little girlie girl.