Ok, this is kind of old news but, I still wanted to share. This whole potty training thing is so weird. Chloe was doing really great and then out of nowhere she just sorta stopped wanting to use the potty. So, I created what we called a "Potty Chart". Every time Chloe used the potty she'd get a sticker. Miker thought of the magic number of 20 to be her goal. Once she hit that she got to pick something to do. She immediately said she wanted her prize to be a trip to Chuck E. Cheese's. As soon as this "contest" started she didn't have any accidents and to Miker's surprise she hit her goal in 3 DAYS!!!! So, the minute she got her 20 stickers we loaded up and hit the pizza place.
It was so much fun. We played SO many games, ate gross pizza and Chloe walked away with some sweet cheap jewelry and a Tinkerbell purse.
Now we have a new potty chart but we haven't really set a goal number yet. Chloe's not sure what she wants her prize to be but I'm sure she'll think of something cool.