Friday, April 22, 2011

HELLO, 2011

My name is Roxane, and I am a slacker. I can't believe I haven't blogged in so long!!! I have no excuse so I'll just get to it.

2011 has been full of ups and downs. Let's get the downs over with - Miker and I both lost Grandmothers within 2 months of each other. My sweet Grandma passed in November and Miker's unforgettable Nannie passed in January. Chloe was so lucky to have had these 2 women in her life even for such a short time. They are missed.

We have just really been trying to enjoy each other and remain so thankful for the life we are living. Miker is excelling at work and I am keeping the house and the kiddo in order.

This year I turned 35 and that is pretty surreal. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was celebrating my 30th with all my pals out in LA. My what a difference 5 years makes.

Now let's get down to the most important topic...CHLOE!! That girl! I am so amazed daily by that childs ability to keep me on my toes. She has turned into such a "kid". She is so articulate and inquisitive. She is still very tiny but because she's so lanky, it makes her look taller. I am having such a blast watching her grow.

Chloe just celebrated her 4th birthday and let me just say, it's been quite an event. My parents got us season passes to Six Flags so we headed to Arlington with them last weekend. We all had a great time. Chloe rode her first roller coaster and was completely unfazed. ( I, on the other hand, was about to pass out as I watched her!) After the park, we had pizza and presents with my folks. Chloe got a bunch of cool stuff but the one gift that sticks out to me is a super cool karaoke machine. She LOVES it!!

The next day, Miker participated in the "Warrior Run". It's basically a bunch of people drinking beer in crazy costumes and at some point they run a 3 mile obstacle course filled with fire, mud and sweat. Miker did a great job and Chloe and I were at the finish line to cheer him on.

Later that night, we gave Chloe the present from us. We got her a super girlie princess bike. She flipped out and has enjoyed riding it since.

Tomorrow will end the birthday celebration with a full blown Chuck E Cheese party. Chloe can't wait!!

Today we headed out to do some birthday/Easter shots. I've included a few.

Hope everyone has a great Easter!!!