Friday, October 31, 2008


First thing in the morning and already ready to play. It's so funny - no matter what kind of cool toys we buy Chloe she is much more content playing with "non toys". You can see in the pics she's playing with an empty roll of toilet paper and in the other a mini size bottle of shaving cream ( thank goodness there was nothing left in it!!). I just think she looks so big and sweet in these pics.

Have a great weekend and Happy Halloween.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Chloe had her 18 month check up today. She's doing great. She weighed in at 23 pounds 3 ounces and is 32 1/2 inches long. She did awesome when the doctor asked her different questions (she is quite the little ham - I have NO idea where she gets that). She got her flu shot along with her hepatitis A. I just hate watching her go through that but I sure don't want her to get the flu. I'm so proud of her. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I can't believe October is almost over. I haven't even bought Chloe's Halloween costume yet!! YIKES!!

Oh, the picture I posted is of Chloe being spoiled. I let her have a little snack picnic after we got home.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mom can't think of a clever title so....

So, I know I'm a few days late with this post but as most of you know this has been a "sick household" on and off for about the last 3 weeks. Between allergies and stomach bugs things have been a little rough. But, despite all the hard times we remain happy and laugh often. So, without further ado I present 18 things that make Chloe well, Chloe!!

1. You love to be outside. When we go for walks you always have to grab (what Dad calls) a "mascot". Your "mascot" is usually a leaf, an acorn or whatever else you find on the sidewalk.

2. The words you seem to say the best and the most often are Mom, Dad, Hello, Wow, I go, juice, Monko and your favorite - NO!

3. Your obsessed with Belly Buttons. Your own as well as others. You even try to find Monko's but haven't had any luck yet.

4. You could stay in the bathtub for hours. Mom swears you are part fish.

5. You know where your head, eyes, nose and teeth are.

6. For some reason, everytime you say "kitty" you put your hand on your cheek and say awwwwww.

7. If I tell you something is "hot" you are very good at blowing on it.

8. You are very sneaky. You love to put your finger over your lips and say shhhhh right before you pounce on your target and begin tickle torture!

9. Boy, oh boy, are you good at animal noises. Your best ones are cow, piggy, puppy and duck.

10. When Mom and Dad play American Idol on the Wii, you love to join in and sing with your mic. Rock on Chloe!

11. You love for Mom to tell you secrets. Usually the secret is that Daddy's a dork. You always think that's pretty funny.

12. Goldfish are your favorite snack!! You could eat your weight in them.

13. You crack up when Mommy grabs your foot and says pee-yoo!!! Mommy actually caught you grabbing your own foot and saying pwoo.

14. Your favorite song is still Viva La Vida. No matter what kind of mood you're in, if that song comes on, you start groovin'.

15. You are getting SO much more daring with your food!! Mom loves that! You've actually been really into salads lately.

16. You're obsessed with turning the tv on and off. This drives Mom and Dad absolutely crazy!!!!!!

17. You do a mean patty cake. You like to clap really, really fast.

18. If we ask you for a hug we usually don't get one - but if we ask you for a squeeze.... WOW super tight with an added pat on the back. Love it!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Um....You Look a Little Green...

So, last week was no fun!! Chloe caught a stomach bug, passed it to me and I passed it to Dad. Now, let me just say, I would not wish this on anyone!! Thank goodness Miker was able to work from home on Wednesday because I couldn't get out of bed. After having it myself, I felt even worse for Chloe because I knew exactly how she must have been feeling. Luckily, Miker only had it for about a day so we still got to have a fun Sunday.

Here are some pics of the little lady that I took on Friday when she was feeling better.

Friday, October 3, 2008


So, Chloe and I were feeling a little bored today so what better way to spend the afternoon....PHOTO SHOOT!!!!!!!!!

Better watch your back, Nigel Barker (noted Fashion Photographer).