Hey everyone! I know my mommy normally writes these things but she's so busy getting ready for Christmas that she asked me to handle this one. Today I turn 20 months old! I know, I can't believe it either. I'm a great kid, if I say so myself. I love getting into EVERYTHING!! One of my favorite things to do is steal Mommy's phone and prank call people. I'm really good at it. I also love playing with my kitty and best friend, Monko. I've posted some pics of he and I exactly one year ago and some of us today - look how much I've grown!!
I have also taken a liking to the harmonica. I love to play the Blues.
My hair has really been growing SO much lately. I was on the computer looking at some old pics from last December and I must say, I sure have changed!
Overall, life is good. I'm having such a great time. I love running around and being silly. Hope everyone enjoys the pics I've posted.
happy 20 months, big gorgeous girl!
happy 20th
see you next weekend
Ms Chloe.you just get more beautiful all the time...and I say that for the inside and outside..I love your spirit!
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