Monday, March 23, 2009


So, I remember being a kid and the thought of your birthday was one of the most exciting things in your life. You were never just 8 - you were 8 and three quarters. I guess as we get older we have so many other things to think about that our birthdays just become another day and a reminder that your just another year closer to being "old". As my birthday approached this year it was just as insignificant to me as ever. I'd been sick for the better part of a month, we had all the house closing hoop la going on, Miker had been out of town most of February and so the thought of a day dedicated to the birth of little ol' me seemed unimportant. Miker worked late on Wednesday and so Chloe and I just had dinner by ourselves. He got home and immediately had to open up his computer and start working...I was bummed. I went to bed and at 7:30 am the alarm went off. Miker jumped out of bed (much quicker than usual) and threw on some clothes and left the room. About 15 minutes later I heard the garage door open as he left. I dosed back off. About an hour later I bolted up. I looked over and the monitor was off. Oh, my gosh - had I forgotten to turn it on the night before?? Was my little girl in her bed crying and wondering why no one had come to get her?? I ran and opened up the door and was greeted by the smell of coffee and yummy food. I heard Chloe in the kitchen talking with her dad. I was very excited that Miker was able to stay home and have breakfast with us. I went into the kitchen and was handed a cup of warm greatness. I said "thanks for taking the morning off! Are you gonna have time to eat with us?" he replied "I think so". As we sit down to eat I casually ask when he has to leave for work. His response was ....MONDAY!!!! He had taken Thursday and Friday off so he could spend it with me!! He told me that he thought the best gift he could give me was time. I agreed!!! Four days with my whole family! How great. We didn't take a minute for granted. We ate lots of delicious food, went to the park a few times, the museum, took a hike, took lots of naps, went shopping and oh, did i mention all the yummy food:)?

So, I have to say this was by far the best birthday I've had in a long time. It was actually the best weekend I can remember having in years!! I was so touched that Miker thought my birthday was important enough to take time off work in this busy season. I sure am a lucky kid. Yes, I said kid! Bring on the birthdays!!!


Jean said...

Sounds like a great birthday, kid. Glad you are feeling better. And Chloe gets cuter all the time!

Grandma and Grandpa said...

Make me sniff sniff cry why don't cha :( Hard to imagine my baby all grown up. You'll always be my "kid"

Emily said...

brought a tear to my eye!

Mimi said...

Baby never forget you are the "one and only Roxane". March 19th is in fact one very, very important day. So many of us are blessed by your birth and your life. I love you dearly (& how 'bout that boy of mine) I believe He loves you dearly and beyond! And isn't Chloe the cherry & whip cream on the cake!!!

Olivia O'Hare said...

Too sweet - made me a little misty eyed. :)