Thursday, April 15, 2010


AGE 1:

AGE 2:

AGE 3:


It's been so beautiful lately. Every weekend we find ourselves spending the entire time working outside. All 3 of us really enjoy it. Miker's main project is the veggie garden and the grass. He's planted carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage and all sorts of different types of lettuce. He's growing some from seeds and some he bought already grown a bit (which I think is the way to go). They are just getting started but here is what they are lookin' like:

My project has been an area in the backyard. The people that lived here before had a huge bird atrium in this area so when they moved out and removed it left was a big area of dirt. This has been the first opportunity for us to do some planting so I decided to turn it into a mini jungle. Here are some before and after pics:

I've planted some beautiful succulents, lilies and a variety of shrubs and other greenery.
We also discovered we have a gardenia bush!

We are really diggin' this home owner stuff!!

Friday, April 9, 2010


I snapped a couple of pics of Chloe this morning and I total flipped out. The day Chloe turned six months old a took a set of pictures that are eerily similar to the ones I took today. Pretty cool considering she turns 3 next week. She's growing into such a pretty big girl.

Check it out:

Pretty cool. Happy weekend!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So, ever since Chloe was a baby she has had a super expressive face and loves to smile for the camera. We were hanging out in the backyard yesterday and she looked at me and said, "Mommy, get the camera. You need to take my picture". I grabbed my camera and as soon as I pointed it she struck a pose. She kept going and going. This made me laugh really hard. Here's the many faces of my little actress.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Chloe and I had such a great morning!! When I woke up today I went right to the computer to look up things to do in my area. There wasn't much but I saw that the Easter Bunny was gonna be at the mall. (I mean, of course he's gonna be there but, I just hadn't even thought about it.) I knew Chloe would flip out if she got to meet the big guy so I got her all dressed in a cute Spring sundress and told her we were going on an adventure. She looked right at me and said , "are we gonna go see the Easter Bunny?". I tried not to really answer her so she'd be a little bit surprised. We pulled up at the mall and she said, "Oh!! This is Santa's house!!". We went in and just around the first corner was a large, slightly creepy brown bunny. Chloe flipped out! She ran over and patiently waited in line for her turn to sit on his lap. When it was time she walked up to the standing rabbit (he had to have been 7 feet tall ears included) and just stared at him. He sat and motioned for her to sit on his lap. She just stood there frozen. He finally picked her up and sat her down. As this was going on the girls working there were trying to sell me way over priced pictures. I declined and just snapped a few on my own camera.

After that we hit up the choo choo train.It was really cute. The last time she rode it she cried and cried but this time she LOVED it.

We headed to the food court for some yummy pizza. What is it about mall pizza that is just so good???(Just thought I'd ask)

Of course we couldn't leave without some sort of "surprise". Chloe, of course, picked out princess make up. (you can see in one of the pics how much lip gloss she managed to put on in the short car ride home)

We got home and headed to the backyard to paint nails and water our plants.
I am so shocked how big and independent Chloe has become. She's so much fun.

Happy Easter!!