Thursday, July 31, 2008

Learning To Love You More

What a week. Chloe is growing like a weed (which is getting harder and harder on my back - YIKES) and talking up a storm. As of late, her favorite thing to do is sneak up behind you and try to scare you. She's really good at it. She loves to knock on doors and say who's it? She also likes to act like she is turning the door knob. It makes me laugh so hard. We're still having a few issues with expanding her pallet. My cousin Emily gave me some really good advice which I've been experimenting with. By the way, Teddy Grahms ROCK!!! Chloe is addicted and so am I.
Sunday Miker leaves for a business trip. He'll be gone 6 days. I've been really brainstorming to come up with fun things for Chloe and I to do so we don't drive each other crazy. I know Chloe is going to miss her daddy, especially at bedtime. She loves to have him rock and read to her. I know he'll miss her too.
So, on another note, my pal Monte has introduced Kendra and I to a new fun website. It's called Learning to Love You More. It's pretty cute. On the site, they give you different "assignments" to complete. An example, take a flash photo under your bed or write abut 5 events in your life from1984. The assignments, for the most part, are simple and easy. The cool thing is, it kind of forces you to be creative and take some time to yourself. I've completed 5 assignments so far. Check it out if you have a free moment. The ones I've done are #42, #27, #50,39 and #11. If you wanna see Kendra and Monte's check out their blogs - and They both write really fun stuff and you can also see which assignments they've done.
I've also started my own little project. It's called "Good Morning Chloe". I have always thought the greatest part of my day is when Chloe first gets up in the morning. So, I've decided to document the different looks of my girl in the AM. The blogspot address is

Monday, July 28, 2008

Monday, Monday..

Sunday was just as relaxing as Saturday. We had some errands to run but we got through most of them in the morning. After Chloe's nap, we went and saw Great Grandma at the assisted living home. Chloe was a hit. I love seeing the residents light up at the sight of a young person. They were having an ice cream social hosted by a clown ( I failed to get her name...sorry). Chloe ran right up to her. After that, the three of us went and had a late lunch.

We've had a pretty chilled out day today. We got out this morning but at 104 degrees it's miserable outside. Chloe did not want to nap this afternoon. So, I finally put on Toy Story. She climbed on her new fancy couch/bed and the posted pic was what happened about 2 minutes later.

Hope everyone has a great week. And to all our fam out in Georgia - we're really looking forward to seeing y'all in a couple of weeks.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Lazy Saturday

So far the weekend is going great!! Last night we grilled out which is always fun. This morning we got up and headed to Toys R Us. Chloe got her very own couch. It's SO cute. It has the "Backyardigans" on it and it folds out into a little bed. She also got a nifty new pair of shoes. Well, now we're just enjoying not having any plans. Hope everyone is having an awesome day!

Friday, July 25, 2008


So, Chloe has a new "trick" that is driving me crazy!! She loves to take big gulps of juice, milk, water etc. from her sippy cup and open her mouth letting it flow down her chin onto her chest landing on her legs. Now, I must admit it's really funny but I can not keep her dry!! I've been having to change her clothes 3-4 times a day! Finally yesterday, I just let her hang out in her shorts with no shirt. In the picture that I posted you can see how wet her little jean shorts are.

On another note, Chloe and I had a little adventure the other day. I was getting Chloe out of the car and situated on my hip and what not while she decided to push the passenger side door closed. Well, normally I would have given her a high five or fist bump for her help but, um....the keys were on the seat, the car was locked get the picture. I stayed calm and walked into the gym. Now, I knew I needed to call Miker and the YMCA has a phone that members can use. Problem is, Miker still has a California number and you can't call long distance on their phone. Bummer. Thank goodness I have a friendly relationship with the child care staff and one of the girls volunteered her cell so I could call him. He came to our rescue as quick as possible. It actually worked out nice because we got to have lunch with daddy!!

We don't really have any big plans for this weekend. I'm very happy about that. See ya!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I feel like it's been forever since I posted anything!! Our internet has been down since Friday. At first I thought "that's ok...this will force me to be more productive...maybe meditate a bit... finish Chloe's baby book". NOT TRUE!!! It just drove me bananas! I really realized how handy the web is.Blah, blah, blah. Ok, that's all I'm gonna say about that. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....

Our weekend was pretty fun. Saturday we went to a swim party for Gracie Cearly's 3rd birthday. Chloe had a blast! She swam around with her dad and even had a popsicle. Yum. When we got home, we were wiped out. The 3 of us took a little well needed nap. That night we just hung out and played.

Sunday morning was my morning to sleep in. nice. When I got up, I noticed that Miker had worked on baby proofing the parts of the house that we hadn't gotten to. I finished up the living room while he relaxed and watched golf. That afternoon Chloe went over to her Aunt Tammy's house for a couple of hours and Miker and I went out for Mexican food.

Monday was quite a day. Chloe and I went to the gym in the morning. When we got home, which is her usual nap time, she was fussy and restless. I let her play until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She crashed out and when she got up we got ready for her 15 month check up. When the nurse called our name Chloe was her goofy self. The nurse couldn't stop laughing because she was being so silly. However, when the doctor came in, Chloe turned into a different kid. She just stared at Dr. Berry. She never even smiled. Let me just tell you, if looks could get my point. She had to get three shots which was a bummer. She was a little crabby last night and had a bit of a fever but she slept really well and was back to her old self this morning.
Oh, I almost forgot - she is 31 inches long and weighs 22 pounds. Long and lanky.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, July 18, 2008

15 Fun Facts about you at 15 months

1. Pretty much anything you pick up goes right to your ear as you say "Hewwo".
2. You are really getting this walking thing down.
3. You've got a mouth full of teeth and love to eat.
4. When I dance in the car, I can pretty much count on a big belly laugh from you.
5. You haven't had a bottle in almost 3 months!!!
6. Your favorite foods are bananas, crackers, gold fish and chicken nuggets.
7. Lamby is your bestest friend.
8. While you feed your "babies" with a spoon, you stick your tongue out and smack your lips. (SO FUNNY)
9. Daddy is your favorite person in the world!!!
10. You are very popular at the YMCA. All the big kids think you're really funny.
11. One of your favorite games to play is the "night night" game. Mommy pretends to be asleep and then you get me and say "ticky ticky ticky" as you you tickle me. (PS - you are one good tickle monster)
12. Itsy Bitsy Spider is your favorite song and you can almost do the whole dance!!!!!
13. The sound of your toy cow still freaks you out.
14. You're really good at helping mommy turn off the lights.
15. Your mommy and daddy love you so much and can't imagine life without you.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Take the Time...

WOW!! This month is flying by! We had a fun tme in Austin last weekend. It was a beautiful wedding and a super fun reception. I have to say, Miker and I were both so exhausted when we got back to Dallas. I missed Chloe so much. I am not leaving her again for a long while. I had a tough time getting motivated to do pretty much anything last week. After a really relaxing weekend, I feel much better. We did a bunch of cleaning and rearranging yesterday. It felt really good.
On a different note, a few weeks ago, there was a tragic car accident around the corner from my house. A family of five lost their lives. I just can't stop thinking about them. So, as a tribute to that beautiful family, I ask that you take the time to tell the people you love how you feel. Take the time to call your mom back. Say thank you to the grocery bagger. Water your plants. Look the valet in the eye. Hold the door open. Give hugs. a lot!!!!! Thanks.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th!!

So, while I went out to run a few errands, Miker and Chloe had a photo shoot. I guess while cruising around the house Chloe discovered the dryer.
Well, Miker and I are off to Austin in the morning. Hope everyone has a fun fun and safe holiday weekend!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

AND SHE'S OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I am happy to announce that Chloe is officially walking. WOO HOO!! She's been taking a few steps here and there but today she made up her mind...No more crawling!!!! She looks so funny. She also has discovered how to climb. She can climb up on just about all of our furniture and is actually really good about getting down.
My parents came up to visit earlier this week. Chloe got SO much attention. They had a kick out of hearing her say "hewo" as she puts anything she can get her hands on up to her ear like a phone. She has also gotten in this habit where she'll say "mom" (but she drags it out to about 4 sylables) over and over and over and over and...ok, I think you get it.
She's just a little sweetie pie. We sure will miss her this weekend but daddy and I are looking forward to a nice little vacation.
Hope everyone has a safe 4th.