Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I feel like it's been forever since I posted anything!! Our internet has been down since Friday. At first I thought "that's ok...this will force me to be more productive...maybe meditate a bit... finish Chloe's baby book". NOT TRUE!!! It just drove me bananas! I really realized how handy the web is.Blah, blah, blah. Ok, that's all I'm gonna say about that. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....

Our weekend was pretty fun. Saturday we went to a swim party for Gracie Cearly's 3rd birthday. Chloe had a blast! She swam around with her dad and even had a popsicle. Yum. When we got home, we were wiped out. The 3 of us took a little well needed nap. That night we just hung out and played.

Sunday morning was my morning to sleep in. nice. When I got up, I noticed that Miker had worked on baby proofing the parts of the house that we hadn't gotten to. I finished up the living room while he relaxed and watched golf. That afternoon Chloe went over to her Aunt Tammy's house for a couple of hours and Miker and I went out for Mexican food.

Monday was quite a day. Chloe and I went to the gym in the morning. When we got home, which is her usual nap time, she was fussy and restless. I let her play until she couldn't keep her eyes open anymore. She crashed out and when she got up we got ready for her 15 month check up. When the nurse called our name Chloe was her goofy self. The nurse couldn't stop laughing because she was being so silly. However, when the doctor came in, Chloe turned into a different kid. She just stared at Dr. Berry. She never even smiled. Let me just tell you, if looks could get my point. She had to get three shots which was a bummer. She was a little crabby last night and had a bit of a fever but she slept really well and was back to her old self this morning.
Oh, I almost forgot - she is 31 inches long and weighs 22 pounds. Long and lanky.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

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