Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So, here's where things stand:

Chloe - starting to feel better but has a nagging cough. Being very lovey.

Mom - Has strep and scarlet fever. It sounds scary but it's ok. The scarlet fever is treatable with antibiotics as well as the strep. Unfortunatley, that's what caused this horrible itchy rash that I continue to have on the better part of my upper body.

Dad - CLEAR!! The doctor went ahead and gave him a prescription for an antibiotic just in case he gets sick while he's out of town.

Thanks for all the well wishes!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Last Thursday Chloe was playing just like usual. I went to give her a hug and noticed she felt really warm. I thought, "well, maybe she's just hot from playing." Later on I noticed she seemed a little crabby and I couldn't really get her to eat. So, I made her a doctor's appointment for the next morning. Come to find out - she's got strep. Ugh. At least I took her in on Friday because I would have hated to deal with a sick baby over the weekend. She's seems to be feeling much better today.

However, I woke up yesterday morning with a sore throat. Bummer. As the day went on, I started to feel yuckier and yuckier and I developed this crazy rash all over me. It was not cool. I itched so bad. I took some Benadryl and caught a short nap. I woke up this morning still feeling pretty bad so I'm going in to see the doctor this afternoon.

Now, I just got a phone call from Miker. He said he's starting to feel bad. OH NO!!! The bad part is, he is leaving for a business trip on Wednesday. So, he's going in to see the doctor tomorrow morning.

So, please just keep us in your thoughts. A sick household is just no fun. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day.

Friday, February 6, 2009


A couple of days ago, I was thinking Chloe looked extra cute so like usual I grabbed the camera. As soon as I went to snap some shots she jumped in my lap. I said "Chloe, can you sit over there so mommy can take your picture?" She just stayed and said "cheeeeeese". I asked her again and she said "no mommy. cheeeeeeeeese". I said "you wanna take a picture with mommy?" Her response (once again) was "cheeeeeeese" So I stuck my arm out and took a few of the two of us.

So here ya go. She was so cute. She was being such a silly girl. I just love that little girl.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I just thought this was the cutest pic. We got Chloe out of her bath last night and it was so cold Miker wrapped my robe around her. Then we let her watch Blue's Clues before hittin' the hay.

Man, she has a hard life...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Chloe and I wanted to take advantage of the gorgeous weather today so we spent an hour or so running around in the backyard. I grabbed the camera just for fun. She looked so pretty in the sunshine. It reminded me of a photo shoot we had had a while back. When we came back in I decided to look at those old pics. To my surprise those pics were taken exactly one year ago!!!! I was floored. I can't believe how much she's grown. Here are some shots from today and some of last year. Awwww....she's such a sweetie.

One big difference - she can't sit still!! She kept looking at the sky and saying "moooooon". I finally looked up and sure enough, there was a little slice of moon hanging out in the middle of the beautiful blue sky.

I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I did...Happy February.