So, we decided to change the color of our front room. We (um...Miker) chose a color that he swore was green ( I told him it was yellow but...) After taping, and putting the tarp down (about 2 hours of work) we began painting. First stroke in he looks at me and says - um...this is yellow. We decided to just keep going. After it dried it did darken up and turn a shade of green. By the end we totally agreed - WE HATED IT!! So, we hit up Home Depot once again and chose something completely opposite. The color is called Pepper Spice and it turned out so warm and pretty. Here are a few pics. We have the before, the bad and the after. Today we did a ton of yard/house work. We planted a bunch of new stuff. It was a blast but also a lot of work. We're beat!!
Well, off to have a nice home cooked meal and a well deserved bath!!
Happy weekend to you all!!
I like the NEW color best too!!!
I love it!!! It actually might be the same color we have in the living room... ;-)
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