Friday, July 18, 2008

15 Fun Facts about you at 15 months

1. Pretty much anything you pick up goes right to your ear as you say "Hewwo".
2. You are really getting this walking thing down.
3. You've got a mouth full of teeth and love to eat.
4. When I dance in the car, I can pretty much count on a big belly laugh from you.
5. You haven't had a bottle in almost 3 months!!!
6. Your favorite foods are bananas, crackers, gold fish and chicken nuggets.
7. Lamby is your bestest friend.
8. While you feed your "babies" with a spoon, you stick your tongue out and smack your lips. (SO FUNNY)
9. Daddy is your favorite person in the world!!!
10. You are very popular at the YMCA. All the big kids think you're really funny.
11. One of your favorite games to play is the "night night" game. Mommy pretends to be asleep and then you get me and say "ticky ticky ticky" as you you tickle me. (PS - you are one good tickle monster)
12. Itsy Bitsy Spider is your favorite song and you can almost do the whole dance!!!!!
13. The sound of your toy cow still freaks you out.
14. You're really good at helping mommy turn off the lights.
15. Your mommy and daddy love you so much and can't imagine life without you.


Unknown said...

i didn't know she did some of that stuff! awwww....

LL said...

Your baby's adorable!

Doll (Kendra's aunt) - I hope you don't mind my leaving a comment. You've been such a great friend to her for all these years!