Friday, August 29, 2008

TGIF and All That Jazz

HAPPY FRIDAY!!! I'm so excited to have a long weekend with no real plans. Woo Hoo!! I've been a little under the weather this week so I've put off a lot of work around the house. It'll be nice to have Miker's help catchin' up on everything. We got some bad news yesterday. Our favorite YMCA day care worker (Brittney - I've talked about her in an earlier post) quit!! BUMMER! I really hope that we can keep in touch with her because Chloe really digs her.

I snapped some pics of the Little Lady yesterday so I thought I'd share. She was being extra cute.

Hope everyone has a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Okay, so maybe not a milestone but still pretty cool...

As I talked about in an earlier post, I have really been working on getting Chloe to branch out as far as her food is concerned. She's been doing much better lately. Last night I decided to give ketchup a try. I've tried this before and she just did not get into it. Well last night I made her a hamburger, some nuggets (just in case) and some french fries...WITH ketchup. At frst she just looked at it and then looked at me and looked at it get the picture.

After a couple of minutes she stuck her finger in and tasted it. Her eyes got huge. I wasn't sure if this was a good sign or a" I hate this, mom" sign. Well, SUCCESS!!! She kept sticking her little finger in and licking it clean. After a while, she figured out that she could dip her fries in too. She ate a whole plate of fries WITH ketchup!!! I don't know why I got so excited by this but I did.

I need to get a life...geez!

Monday, August 25, 2008

16 Super Stats about You at 16 Months

1. You love being outside!! I know you're looking forward to the fall when we can actually go to the park in the middle of the day without having a heat stroke!!
2. You've gotten a lot more curly blonde hair.
3. Your vocabulary has really grown. Some favorite words are go, rock n roll and you've even said your name a couple of times.
4. You are pretty finiky when it comes to food. Lately you've been doing better. Your favorites are grilled cheese, hamburgers, crackers and of course chicken nuggets.
5. You have been sticking to your night time schedule for about the last 3 months!! Bed time is 8:30 and you usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:15.
6. You do not like to sit still. You love to run!
7. You've officially been to 3 states. California, Texas and Georgia.
8. You have allergies just like mom!!! YUCK!!
9. Viva La Vida by Coldplay is your favorite song. You laugh everytime it comes on.

10. You give great kisses. Especially to lamby but sometimes mom and dad get lucky.
11. You're over your fear of cows. Now instead of crying when you hear "moo" you smile.
12. As of one month ago you weighed in at 22 pounds and are 31 inches long.
13. You like brushing your teeth with your Baby Einstein tooth brush.
14. You really love "The Little Mermaid". After Ariel sing "Part of Your World", you clap and blow kisses.
15. Your favorite toys are your Fisher Price "doodle- pro" your Tweety green ball and your Backyardigans Tea Set (thanks Aunt Kendra).
16. You make mom's heart melt everytime you run across the room to give her a great big hug. Ahhhhh!!!

We love you, little girl!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Georgia Adventure

Last Tuesday we hopped on a plane and headed for the beautiful state of Georgia. Miker's mom and her side of the family are there. We hadn't been since 2000 and so it was definitely time. Miker's brother and dad also joined us. It actually turned into quite a family reunion. Miker's cousin Scott and his wife and daughter flew in from Austin and the rest of the family drove in from all over Georgia. It was lots of fun. Mostly we just swam in the lake and relaxed. Chloe absolutely LOVED being in the lake. We hardly spent any time indoors. The weather was awesome. It was such a nice break from the 108 degree Dallas temps.
One of the highlights of the week was Uncle Steve's Harley. Chloe took quite a liking to it. Miker and I both took a ride on it and I must say it was really cool.

On Thursday Miker and I headed to South Carolina to visit our friends Dave and Susan. They own a restaurant called American Grocery. It's really nice. We went and had drinks and sampled all sorts of food. YUMMMMMMY!!! I am so proud of them. The place is beautiful and the industry there has really taken notice.

So, overall it was a nice trip. I won't go into the plane ride home because I want to end this on a positive note. Let's just say when we finally made it home Miker and I were in need of a vacation. Here are some more pics from the trip. Enjoy.

Thanks to the whole family for making this such a great trip.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a Week!!

These past few days have been really interesting. As you all know, I stay home with Chloe so you would think that it wouldn't be that much harder having Miker out of town. WRONG!!! I don't know why but I am so much more tired than usual and have been going to bed pretty much right after Chloe. Maybe it's the heat?? Maybe it's just mental? I don't know. I guess it doesn't help that Chlo-dawg is teething like a maniac and is quite crabby. She has only been taking a 15 - 20 minute nap a day too. Normally she is fine playing on her own but since Miker left she doesn't want me out of her sight. Poor thing. I think she really misses her daddy.
So, thankfully Tropical Storm "Edouard" is giving us a little break from the 109 temps starting today. I think the high is 95. We may even get some rain!!!! I am really looking forward to getting out of Dallas for a little bit (we're going to Georgia next week for a family reunion). I just miss being able to go outside. I was in my car last night around 8:30 and it was still 104!! YUCK! So, hopefully Georgia will be a pleasant break.
We are also looking forward to visiting South Carolina next Thursday. Our good friends Dave and Susan have a restaurant in Greenville. Ahhhh, a nice date night with good friends and yummy food. SO NEEDED!!
This weekend should be nce too. I'm getting a much needed haircut and maybe even a pedicure! It's the little things, folks.

Well, that's all I got. Mommy mush brain syndrome has kicked in. The pic I posted is an example of how Chloe and I are both feeling lately.

Stay classy.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our Hen House

So, Miker left this morning for a week long trip to Philadelphia. So, you guessed it - GIRLS WEEK!!! Chloe and I are hangin' solo and are in need of some suggestions. We want to get out and have some fun but we don't want to spend a bunch of money and with the temp getting up to around 104 degrees, outside activities are pretty much out of the question. C'mon peeps - we need some help!!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We miss you already, Daddy!!