Monday, August 25, 2008

16 Super Stats about You at 16 Months

1. You love being outside!! I know you're looking forward to the fall when we can actually go to the park in the middle of the day without having a heat stroke!!
2. You've gotten a lot more curly blonde hair.
3. Your vocabulary has really grown. Some favorite words are go, rock n roll and you've even said your name a couple of times.
4. You are pretty finiky when it comes to food. Lately you've been doing better. Your favorites are grilled cheese, hamburgers, crackers and of course chicken nuggets.
5. You have been sticking to your night time schedule for about the last 3 months!! Bed time is 8:30 and you usually wake up between 6:30 and 7:15.
6. You do not like to sit still. You love to run!
7. You've officially been to 3 states. California, Texas and Georgia.
8. You have allergies just like mom!!! YUCK!!
9. Viva La Vida by Coldplay is your favorite song. You laugh everytime it comes on.

10. You give great kisses. Especially to lamby but sometimes mom and dad get lucky.
11. You're over your fear of cows. Now instead of crying when you hear "moo" you smile.
12. As of one month ago you weighed in at 22 pounds and are 31 inches long.
13. You like brushing your teeth with your Baby Einstein tooth brush.
14. You really love "The Little Mermaid". After Ariel sing "Part of Your World", you clap and blow kisses.
15. Your favorite toys are your Fisher Price "doodle- pro" your Tweety green ball and your Backyardigans Tea Set (thanks Aunt Kendra).
16. You make mom's heart melt everytime you run across the room to give her a great big hug. Ahhhhh!!!

We love you, little girl!!!


Unknown said...

happy 16 months, little lady~

Mimi said...

This is Sweet 16!!

I had to wait a long time but I now have 2 beautiful "daughters" !

Angie B said...

this is all so awesome! it's like a little window into what i can look forward to in about 4 months...