Wednesday, June 18, 2008

14 Months!!!!!

So, today Chloe turns 14 months old. It's crazy how fast time flies by. She has changed so much. I decided to go back and look at pictures of her from exactly a year ago. I remember thinking how awesome she was then. Today I am amazed by her and I'm sure in another year she will thrill me even more. Here are some pics from 6/18/07 and some taken today.

If you notice, in the pics taken today, she is wearing a Queen concert t-shirt. This was given to her by her cool Aunt Kendra. When I was about 5 months pregnant Miker drug me to Best Buy so he could look at video games. I was really exhausted and noticed an area in the tv section where you could sit down. As I sat there, the sales guy came up to one of the enormous tvs and popped in a dvd. It was a recording of a Queen concert. He turned it up super loud to show off the sound system. About 2 minutes into "Another One Bites the Dust" the baby inside (she didn't have a name yet) started goin' bonkers!!! She had never kicked like that before. So, after that it became a running joke that Queen was her favorite band. A month or so later I was at work. I was just sittng and reading a magazine when all of the sudden the baby started doing the can- can. I then realized "Fat Bottom Girls" playing on the radio. IT WAS TRUE!!! Queen was my soon to be daughter's favorite band!!!!
Fast forward to a 9 month prego Roxane with no middle name for her baby. (we had pretty much settled on Chloe but had no middle names) I had always liked the name Rain. I kept putting that in Miker's ear but he was by no means sold. So, one day I was bugging him about making a decision and he said "ok, type the name Rayne (that's the spelling he liked) into the computer and see what the origin/meaning is. I found a website, typed it in, and it came back with Origin-French.
Meaning- QUEEN!!! I screamed!! I said it was a sign. So, that's how we came up with Chloe Rayne.

Enjoy the pics!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

at least she likes good music. i would've been embarrassed buying a sugar ray t-shirt or something.

she's so freaking cute.