Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What a week!!

So, Chloe is turning into quite the little jabber jaw!! She, just in the last few weeks, has begun saying all sorts of things. Her newest is "door". She also has started saying that dreaded word - NO! She is just such a little character. She does Itsy Bitsy Spider by herself and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with just me singing. She has the greatest laugh too. I nearly lost it today when I went to get her at the gym and the girls gave me a picture she colored all by herself. When we were leaving they wanted to show me her newest "trick". One girl said "bye" and gave her a high five. The other girl said "bye" and put her fist out. Chloe looked at the girl and without hesitating gave her a fist bump!! I declared at that moment that my child is a genius...a really cool genius.

Next week Miker and I are headed to Austin. We will be celebrating the 4th with our great friends, David and George. On Saturday, we are attending the wedding of a close friend of ours, Josh. While I'm looking forward to it, I'm dreading leaving Chloe for that long. I know she'll be fine. She's staying with my Aunt Tammy, who she just adores.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Hope everyone has a great hump day!

Oh, and by the way, for some reason, my spell check on here has never worked...please be kind when reading.

I've posted some pics from the last couple of weeks and also included some from last year at this time. Aww...she was so tiny!!


Unknown said...

yay! you're back. i needed my chloe-ser fix.

Olivia O'Hare said...

I must agree the fist bump trick is awesome. Must be like cuteness overload. How cool that you get to visit David and George for the 4th!