Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What a Week!!

These past few days have been really interesting. As you all know, I stay home with Chloe so you would think that it wouldn't be that much harder having Miker out of town. WRONG!!! I don't know why but I am so much more tired than usual and have been going to bed pretty much right after Chloe. Maybe it's the heat?? Maybe it's just mental? I don't know. I guess it doesn't help that Chlo-dawg is teething like a maniac and is quite crabby. She has only been taking a 15 - 20 minute nap a day too. Normally she is fine playing on her own but since Miker left she doesn't want me out of her sight. Poor thing. I think she really misses her daddy.
So, thankfully Tropical Storm "Edouard" is giving us a little break from the 109 temps starting today. I think the high is 95. We may even get some rain!!!! I am really looking forward to getting out of Dallas for a little bit (we're going to Georgia next week for a family reunion). I just miss being able to go outside. I was in my car last night around 8:30 and it was still 104!! YUCK! So, hopefully Georgia will be a pleasant break.
We are also looking forward to visiting South Carolina next Thursday. Our good friends Dave and Susan have a restaurant in Greenville. Ahhhh, a nice date night with good friends and yummy food. SO NEEDED!!
This weekend should be nce too. I'm getting a much needed haircut and maybe even a pedicure! It's the little things, folks.

Well, that's all I got. Mommy mush brain syndrome has kicked in. The pic I posted is an example of how Chloe and I are both feeling lately.

Stay classy.

1 comment:

valerieshammons said...

what restaurant in Greenville? Marcus and I were there a couple of yrs ago for a big festival. Can't remember what is's called but it was huge and free. We loved Greenville; it's a cute town!