Monday, June 16, 2008

It's the little things

So, we had a really relaxing weekend. It started out a little rough because Miker had to put the Jeep in the shop because of some problems it's been having. We just chilled at home for most of the morning and around 2 we decided to head to one of our favorite liitle restaurants in downtown Plano. We usually sit outside and people watch but it was almost 100 degrees so we headed inside. Chloe was being her crazy self. When the waitress came up to get our drink order Chloe started touching her and got a hold of one of her belt loops. I gave a nervouse laugh and grabed her hand. Chloe went right back for it. The waitress, thank goodness, had a good sesne of humor about it.

After that, we went to the mall!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! We actually went so Miker could get one of those crazy cookie things (I think their called Doozies??). He ended up with 2 and I got a little blue shirt. Woo hoo!! I think Chloe takes after her dad because she seemed to enjoy the cookie way more than the dressing room. Go figure. When we left there we decided to stop off at World Market. We browsed the wine section and picked up a few bottles. We also got some pretty new coasters!! We came home vegged out and after Chloe hit the hay opened one of our yummy new Cabs. Around 9 I was ready for bed. Miker wanted to keep me up so he bribed me by putting on Reality Bites. I lasted until about 10:30.

Sunday morning Chloe decided to get me up around 6am. She was ready to play. We let dad sleep in since it was Father's Day. He crawled out of bed around 9:30. He read Chloe one of her favorite books that happens to come with a cd of silly songs. Chloe danced and danced. Around 11 Miker went to play disc golf with some other dads and Chloe and I went grocery shopping. When Miker got home we decided to grab some Chinese food. We got SO lucky - Chloe passed out in the car on the way there and slept through our entire meal!!! I can't tell you the last time that happened. I actually got to eat using both hands. She woke up just as we were leaving. We went across the street to an area with dfferent stores and I got 2 more shirts. Miker got a nifty new pair of flip flops.

So, overall the Daddy's Day weekend was really nice. I have a pretty cool little family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yay stovalls! sounds like an awesome weekend. i love how he bribed you to stay up. i can be bribed to do almost anything by a new shirt, some cabernet and reality bites!

oh, and i'm glad miker got new flip-flops. i remember the good ole' house of blues pair...